Richard has made an interesting
interpretation of Linnaeus scientific legacy. The combination of the intense fashionportraits and the botany is very exciting. He has really managed to capture the “inner being” of the flowers and gives us a completely new view on Linnaeus.
Sofie Blomgren
Project Manager
Destination Uppsala
First impression is that it is an ambitious piece of work...the portraits are fabulous, dreamy, romantic and dramatic.
Martin Alm
Lidingö Tidning
Magical pictures with a strong sense of storytelling in splendid historical
Heléne Almqvist
Gods&Gårdar magazine
After witnessing Richards exhibition many visitors response was; wow, flowers actually have a life of their own. His pictures come alive through his strong sense of storytelling and interesting combination with poetry.
Sandy Li Schenzi
YES International Group.
Project Manager for the Swedish Pavilion at the International Horticultural Exposition 2014.

![Formstad NY LOGGA [återskapat]VIT_Rityta 1.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/148832_50f879a8ad594f729acf5d7e9a1024a7~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_330,h_247,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Formstad%20NY%20LOGGA%20%5B%C3%A5terskapat%5DVIT_Rityta%201.png)

Art Direction, set design, styling and photo by von Hofsten.
Idyllien pop up-store in MOOD Mall, Stockholm 2015